Congratulations to Higher Degree By Research Scholarship Recipients

We are pleased to announce the successful applicants for our Higher Degree By Research Scholarship Program.

Congratulations to Michael Pang, a senior clinician Physiotherapist from Grampians Health, who will be completing his PhD with Federation University to investigate whether continuing professional development positively influences allied health workforce retention in regional and rural Victoria. 

Congratulations to Cara Hill, who will be completing her PhD with Deakin University to implement best-practice meal-related dysphagia interventions to improve mealtime-related quality of life for people living with dysphagia in rural and regional aged care facilities in western Victoria. Cara works clinically as a Speech Pathologist and also as a research assistant. This PhD program will be based at Grampians Health and will complement the work she will be leading as part of her Western Alliance Rapid Applied Research Translation Grant.

This exciting initiative aims to minimise barriers to health professionals undertaking health sector embedded HDR studies whilst enabling candidates to continue to progress their professional practice.

We were thrilled to see Cara and Michael featured in the Ballarat Courier in July 2023. We wish them all the best throughout their studies and look forward to seeing them progress.





  • About the author: Western Alliance

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