Do you have an experience you’d like to share in women’s health services or pain?
Do you have an experience you’d like to share in women’s health services or pain?
By sharing your story, you can help shape systemic reform to improve women and girls’ experience of health care in Victoria.
We are seeking stories from Victorian women, health care workers and carers about their experience of women’s health services and pain.
The stories will be used to create a series of short videos and photographs to promote the Women’s Health and Wellbeing Program and Inquiry into Women’s Pain. These will be shared using Department of Health and other government agency social media channels. We may also ask you to share your story as part of news stories, podcasts and speaking engagements.
If you are interested in sharing your story, please provide your details using this form by 7 June 2024.
You can nominate how you would like your story to be shared and we will always seek consent
before doing so.
If you would like to discuss further, please email:
Visit the website to learn more about the Women’s Health and Wellbeing Program.