Are you a support person for someone with cancer? We want to hear from you!

If you live in Australia, are over 18, and are providing, or have provided support to someone facing cancer within the last 5 years, we would love to hear from you!  

This study aims to understand the experiences and support needs of all carers and support persons, with a focus on those from different groups including regional or rural communities, those from a non-English speaking background and those who identify as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. Findings will be used to develop resources and services to better support carers from all communities. 

Simply click HERE to find out more and access the survey.​ 

If you live in Victoria and belong to one or more of the following groups; live in a regional or rural area, identify as LGBTQIA+, or are from a non-English speaking background), you will also have the opportunity to participate in an online or in-person focus group discussion to tell us about your caring experience in more detail. ​ 


The study has been approved by Deakin University’s Research Ethics committee (HEAG-H 34_2024)​.  

For more information, contact the Research Manager Dr Stephanie Cowdery at  ​ 

  • About the author: Western Alliance

If you would like to write an article for our Talking Points newsletter or In Brief blog, email Cassandra Hamilton ( or call 0450 921 324.